Mt. Yake-dake hiking & climbing route

Nakanoyu Route

Shin-nakanoyu route parking lot ~ Hiroba ~ Mt. Yake-dake ~ Yake-dake-koya Mountain hut ~ a trailhead ~ Kamikochi Kappa bridge

Technical level: C
Physical strength level: 2
Difficulty level: ⛰️⛰️

A course that traverses Mt. Yake-dake

Mt. Yake-dake traversing route with use of your own car.  There will be some rocky zones near the summit.  Enjoy even an anomalistic trail to the summit.
Volcanic activity is becoming more active on Yake-dake. Please obtain information in advance and be sure to bring a helmet when climbing or hiking.

Access to Shin-nakanoyu

Access to Kamikochi

●Hiking data

Schedule: One day
Walking hours: 5 hours 55 minutes
(Up: 3 hours/Down: 2 hours 45 minutes)
Walking distance: 9.8 km
Difference in elevation: 1,029 m

:Mountain Villa Information

↓ 1 hour 20 minutes


Elevation 2,200m

↓ 1 hour 40 minutes

Mt. Yake-dake the north peak

Elevation 2,444m

↓ 40 minutes

↓ 1 hour 50 minutes

A trailhead

Elevation 1,500m

↓ 15 minutes

Kamikochi Kappa bridge

Elevation 1,500m

Route Guide

Access to the Shin-nakanoyu route parking lot may become an issue when hiking on this route. One way is to stay at Nakano-yu Onsen and start from a trailhead, which is a 15 minutes’ walk from the hot springs. Spending the night at a well-known hot spring in a deep mountain area can be a great memory. Another way is to park your car at Sawando parking lot and take a taxi to the trailhead. If you have three people in your party, the cost of the taxi for each person may be reasonable. A taxi ride is about 30 minutes. When descending, take a bus from Kamikochi to Sawando parking lot. From the trailhead, hike through the forest zone. It will be quiet hiking to the summit with fewer hikers on the route. There will be many more hikers from the summit to Kamikochi.

At the end of the forest zone, Hiroba is reached. This is a great photo taking spot for Mt. Yake-dake. After a while, the trail becomes a steep slope with many rocks. Walk carefully. When rocks along the trail become bigger, the junction of routes to the north peak and the south peak appears. The road is closed for the south peak so proceed on the trail towards the north peak. From this point, the trail merges into a ridgeline to the summit. The north peak can be spotted in the upper left corner of your view. There is a steam vent on the southside of the summit, where volcanic fume is exploding. Do not get close to it. The junction is reached after passing a graveled uphill. Take a left turn. A trail from Kamikochi merges from the right side. When descending, you are taking this trail. To go to the north peak of Mt. Yake-dake, go straight from the junction.

The south peak is flat with a great view. Even though staying at the summit may seem to be comfortable, if you smell sulfur, start descending immediately. Take a trail to Kamikochi from the junction. Follow signs on the rocky slopes to Yake-dake-koya Mountain hut. Do not miss marks inked on rocks as well. At the end of the rocky zone, climb up the slope in front of you. Nakao pass junction is reached at the end of the slope. Keep walking straight. A dynamic view of Mt. Yake-dake spreads out when looking back. Yake-dake-koya Mountain hut can be found after a short downhill from a Nakao pass lookout.

Take a short break here then descend on the steep slope. Caution needs to be employed. After the slope, climb down the rocky zone, using chains and ladders. There will be some more ladders on the route. They are mounted firmly on rocks for your safety. After a walk through a forest zone, the trailhead is reached. Walk on the pavement to Kappa bridge. The Kamikochi bus terminal is 5 minutes away from Kappa bridge.