Kiri-gamine hiking & climbing route

Kuruma-yama Kata Route

①Kuruma-yama-kata~ Mt. Kuruma-yama ~ Mt. Chochomi-yama ~ Monomi-ishi ~ Yashima-shitsugen swamp ~ Sawatari ~ Kuruma-yama- kata

Technical level: B
Physical strength level: 2
Difficulty level: ⛰️

It is a loop route where sightseeing spots can be enjoyed.
A beautiful plateau hiking route

Access to Kuruma-yama Kata of the Kiri-gamine

●Hiking Data

Schedule: One night or two days
Walking hours: 4 hours 35 minutes
(Up: 45 minutes/ Down 3 hours 50 minutes)
Walking distance: 9.1 km
Difference in elevation: 463 m

:Mountain Villa Information

Elevation 1,800m

↓ 45 minutes

Mt. Kuruma-yama

Elevation 1,924m

↓ 40 minutes

Mt. Chochomi-yama

Elevation 1,836m

↓ 20 minutes


Elevation 1,780m

↓ 1 hour 5 minutes

Yashima-shitsugen swamp

Elevation 1,640m

↓ 1hour 15 minutes


Elevation 1,650m

↓ 30 minutes

Kuruma-yama- kata

Elevation 1,800m

Route Guide

Start hiking a gradual slope from Kuruma-yama-kata parking lot. The trail is easy to walk on. Mt. Kuruma- yama is reached in about 45 minutes. Many visitors gather around the lift station and restaurants. Along the promenade, alpine plants may be in bloom. Take the stairs down by the side of the Lift-chojo station. The trail merges into another trail from Kuruma-yama plateau. Climb an uphill then Kuruma-yama-nokkoshi is reached. After a few ups and downs, you will reach Mt. Chohomi-yama. Yashima-shitsugen swamp, the direction in which you are heading, can be viewed from the summit. The swamp spreads widely. Proceed on the trail through a grass field. A big rock comes into sight in about 20 minutes from Mt. Chochomi-yama. The rock is Monomi-ishi. Take a break around the rock where there is an open space. The area around Mt. Kuruma-yama and Yashima-shitsugen swamp can be seen.
After passing Monomi-ishi, the soiled trail becomes slippery. Be careful not to slip. From the right side, a descending trail from Mt. Omekura-yama merges. Okukiri-koya Mountain hut is reached shortly. The hut is closed currently. This is another wide open space, which is suitable for taking a break. After passing this hut, the trail enters a promenade which loops around Yashima-shitsugen swamp. Walk while watching Kamaga Pond on your left. This swamp is recognized for nationally protected species. It is also known as a habitat of Rhacophrus shlegelii, a kind of green frog. Enjoy walking while observing a wide variety of alpine plants. A resting point is the entrance of the swamp, where a visitor center is located. A toilet is available.

After a break, proceed along the wooden path. The swamp walk comes to an end where a source of Kannon-sawa is reached. You will come upon Suwa shrine after passing the Misayama hut. A big ritual ceremony was held here during the Kamakura era.
Walk through a wide open grass field. Sawatari is reached where the trail meets a logging road. From Sawatari, walk the trail on the south side. After an easy hike through a forest, Kuruma-yama-kata is reached in about 30 minutes.