【CONTENTS】Help preserve the Rock Ptarmigan

Rock ptarmigan supporters
Provide ankle ring information. Each individual bird is identified with four ankle rings used to research their movements and lifespan as well as for preservation efforts. Search for “rock ptarmigan supporters”
Living creature log(Biodiversity Center of Japan homepage)
This is a system for aggregating and providing the information on living creatures held by various organizations and individuals, including the Ministry of the Environment. If everyone reports the information they have on living creatures, we can create a national map of living creatures. Search for “living creature log”
Reference literature
“Protect the rock ptarmigan from extinction!” (Japanese only)
Authors: Hiroshi Nakamura & Atsushi Kobayashi Published by: Shinanoki Shobo
A book written by the leading rock ptarmigan researchers, Hiroshi Nakamura and Atsushi Kobayashi.
Recommended for those interested in knowing more about the ecology of the rock ptarmigan. “Rock ptarmigan -Messenger from God, who wearing scenery-“ A book compiled by bird photography Kouhei Takahashi. This collection of photos demonstrates the ecology of the rock ptarmigan throughout the seasons, including the harsh winter months.
Please visit Kouhei Takahashi’s homepage to find out where the book is available.
Protecting the rock ptarmigan is protecting our own way of living
The delicate balance of diverse creatures is what upholds our human lifestyles. This connection also holds true for the rock ptarmigan, a creature representative of the alpine ecosystem. The disruption in the satoyama ecosystem is a result of changes in human lifestyles, and this is now threatening the rock ptarmigan. Seeking harmony in the ecosystem to protect the rock ptarmigan, will also protect our lifestyles. The rock ptarmigan is a treasure for the community and a salve for our souls.