Mountain hut

189. Tateshina Sancho Hutte

Business period April 27 – November 2, 2024

It looks like a woman from somewhere on the mountain side, and it is built on the summit of Mt. Tateshina-yama, which Kyuya Fukada called “Woman’s Kamiyama”.

On the contrary to that impression, the rock climbs from the bottom of the mountaintop, and the mountaintop that has finally been climbed is covered with stones.

The summit, however, is a “Playground in the sky” with a 360-degree panoramic view. Let’s enjoy the beauty of the rising sun over the falling starry sky and mountains.

Elevation 2,530 m
About 2 hours and 10 minutes from the 7th station trailhead
Capacity 20 people
Price 1 nights 2 meals Adult 11,000 yen / 1 person
1 nights 1 meals Adult 9,500 yen / 1 person
Room without meals 8,000 yen / 1 person
Box lunch 1,000 yen
Tent area No tent area
Reservation TEL 090-7258-1855
Remarks   Private room is accommodation fee + 4,000 yen / room

When there is no reservation, or in the case of reservation on the same day, room charge + 500 yen, room charge + room charg yen / 1 room

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