Mountain hut

108. Tanohara-sanso

Business period Mid-July to late August

※Please call for the 2024 business period and prices.
This inn-style property is located on the 7th station of Ontake-san O-taki-guchi.

You can enjoy the magnificent scenery of Tanonohara Natural Park.

However, since it is currently connected to the route from the other mountain entrance only at the mountaintop where you cannot enter, you must return from the front of the restricted access section and descent.We are not currently open for accommodation.

Elevation    2,180m 
Take a public bus from Kiso Fukushima Station about 1 hour 15 minutes and get off at Tanohara.
Capacity 150 people
Price   1 night 2 meals Adult 8,700 yen-1 person
Tent area No tent area
Reservation TEL 0264-48-2544
Remarks  Kiso Ontake Tourism Bureau
The list of Mountain huts