Mountain hut

117. Tamanokubo sanso

Business period Late June-Second Monday of October (Sports Day)

※Please call for the 2024 business period and prices.

Located 200 meters below the west side of Kiso Komagatake, this mountain hut boasts a good view with a panoramic view of the Northern Alps.

Even at the junction of the Agematsu A / B course and the Kiso Fukushima course, there are few people who walk on these courses and it will not be crowded.

Guests can use the shower for 500 yen, and
it is a nice service to be able to wash away the sweat after climbing

Elevation   2,760 m
3 hours from Senjojiki Station, 1 hour from Kisokoma-gatake summit
Capacity 60 people
Price 1 nights 2 meals Adult 10,000 yen / 1 person
1 nights 1 meals Adult 8,500 yen / 1 person
Room without meals 7,000 yen / 1 person
Shower 500 yen
Tent area No tent area
Reservation TEL 090-4181-8573
0264-52-2682 (out of business period)
Remarks The hut will open only Sat, Sun, and consecutive holidays for September and October.

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