Mountain hut

137. Shichijo koya

Business period Full year

Before the forest road to Kitazawa Pass was opened, it was the only hut built on Kuroto Onone,which was the main route to Kaiko-magatake.
There are two buildings, the first and the second. It takes about 10 hours to reach the summit, so the hut is a valuable resource when it comes to taking
a break.
As the unloading of food depends on a helicopter, if you wish to overnight with a meal, be sure to confirm this. It will be reassuring to carry food cooking utensils in the case of an emergency.

above sea level 2,420 m
6 hours and 40 minutes from Take-U Komagatake Shrine trailhead, 1 hour and 30 minutes down from the Kaikoma-gatake summit.
Capacity 24 people
Price 1 nights 2 meals Adult 10,500~12,000 yen~ / 1 person
1 nights Dinner + morning box lunch Adult 10,000~11,500 yen~ / 1 person
1 night with dinner Adult 9,000-10,500 yen / 1 person
1 night with breakfast Adult 8,000 - 9,500yen / 1 person
1 nights morning box lunch Adult 7,500~9,000 yen~ / 1 person
Room without meals 6,500 yen / 1 person
Tent area About 20 tents (1 person 1,000~1,500 yen)
Reservation TEL 090-3226-2967
by appointment only
Remarks Home Page
The list of Mountain huts