Mountain hut

179. Hutte Miyamasa

Business period
・Late April to late October 2024
・Conditional acceptance only on weekends in winter

Situated near the southern end of the Yashima Wetland, this property features Western-style twin beds, Western-style rooms with lofts, and Japanese-style rooms.

Room rates and meals can be selected separately according to your plan.

Elevation 1,615 m
40 minutes by bus from Kamisuwa Station,
30 minutes from Sawatari bus stop.
Capacity 18 people
Price Without meals
Adult 6,000 yen~/ per person
Breakfast 500 yen
Dinner 2,000 yen
Tent area No tent area
Reservation TEL 0266-75-2370
Remarks   Heating fee +500 yen in winter

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