Mountain hut

106. Ishimuro-sanso

Business period: Early July-early October

※Please call for the 2024 business period and prices.

It is a mountain hut to be welcomed by climbers, built at the 9th place of Kurosawa-guchi on Mt. Ontake-san.

Due to the effects of volcanic activity, there may be restrictions that prevent access from here.

One may witness the harshness of nature, but on the other hand be greatly moved by the encounter with the stars of the sky and the lovely alpine plants.

Elevation    2,800m
About 2 hours and 15 minutes from Ontake Ropeway Iimori Kogen Station
Capacity 100 people
Price 1 nights 2 meals Adult 12,000 yen / 1 person
1 night with dinner Adult 10,000 yen / 1 person
1 night with breakfast Adult 8,000 yen / 1 person
Room without meals 6,500 yen / 1 person
Tent area No tent area
Reservation TEL 090-8873-9761
0264-46-2016 (out of business period)
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