Mountain hut

10. Hakuba-jiri-koya

Business period July 13th – September 28th, 2024

Only tent sites will be explained this season.Please register at Sarukura sanso mountain hut.No huts will be built, but only toilets will be installed.

It is built just below the popular Dai-sekkei :Hakuba snowy gorge route on the route to Mt. Shirouma-dake.

As it is a place where heavy snow and avalanches occur frequently in winter, it begins snow removal only from May and is dismantled in October.

2 pm is the latest to start climbing the snowy gorge at the latest. After that time, it is safe to stay this hut for one night.

Elevation 1,560m
Capacity 130 people
Price 1 night 2 meals
Adult 10,000 yen / 1 person
tent area About 15 tents (1,000 yen per person)
Reservation TEL 0261-72-2002
Remarks Please register at Sarukura sanso mountain hut, if you have a plan to stay tent.

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